Develop a connection to ResConnect
Develop to ResRequest’s API
Step 1
Take a look at our ResRequest API documentation. Should you wish to develop a connection to us, sign our Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and contact our Support team to request some sandbox accounts.
Developers can watch this video tutorial to learn how to navigate the front end of ResRequest to check their results.
Step 2
Before the connection goes live, our support team will arrange an audit to verify the interface.
Step 3
Once the audit is done successfully, a user account is set up in ResRequest and connected to the API account. Bookings made from the site linked to the API will be booked under this user account.
Connections can be written in XML-RPC.
What is the cost
Use of our API is totally free!
Should you require development assistance this is billed at our annually published development rates.
Properties are charged a nominal setup fee per agent connection.
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