Yield, Lead Times & Materialisation
Yield – Ever wondered what yields are achieved in different countries and regions? You’ll find the answers here.
Lead times – It can be tough on the nerves trying to anticipate how occupancies over the next few months will pan out. An understanding of likely lead time between booking date and travel date can give a good indication of how much more business is likely to come in. A peek at these charts will reveal the lead time norms across the industry.
Materialisation – A lot of work goes into managing enquiries and making bookings. Do you know what proportion of enquiries should materialise into confirmed bookings and what is a reasonable level of cancellations? The materialisation chart provides a fascinating view of the industry norms.
PURPOSE: To assess the proportion of enquiries that ultimately confirm
- Shows % of reservations that confirm
- Shows % of confirmed reservations that subsequently cancel
- Drill down to region
PURPOSE: To show how far in advance bookings of different value are made
- Each circle represents an area (e.g. Kruger)
- The size of the circle represents the volume of reservations.
- Position on the horizontal axis represents the avg # of days prior to travel that the reservations were made.
- Position on the vertical axis represents the average yield (value per bed night).
PURPOSE: To compare the yields achieved in different areas.
- Shows average yield achieved per region
- Lead time of either Recorded or Confirmed date to Arrival date
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